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Welcome to the Barn!!

yoga * reiki * well-being

Welcome to the Little Red Barn, a quaint yoga studio and Reiki space located in South Eliot, Maine.


Private and small group yoga instruction, sound healing and Reiki Healing Sessions are all yours at the Little Red Barn.

Learn More
About Andrea

About Andrea

Hi! My name is Andrea Bristol. Here's a little bit about me...


My husband, Tyler, and I moved to South Eliot in 1994 when we fell in love with a funny, old, crooked house with a barn. Three kids, many dogs, years of renovations and a new barn later, we are still here and love it even more. 


After being sidelined by several autoimmune diseases and their  effects, I discovered yoga as a path to healing. Simply put, yoga has transformed my life physically, mindfully and spiritually.


My love of yoga and energy healing inspired me to earn my RYT200 credentials. Shortly after that, I received my Reiki Master Teacher Certification, an additional 50-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training and Sound Healing certification. I continue to learn through ongoing yoga and energy healing training hours as there is so much to explore!


I truly believe in the healing power of connection: breath and movement, mind and body, us to each other. I am living proof that yoga and energy healing can do wonders.

The Little Red Barn is a welcoming space, small and sweet. My aim is to offer you a chance to experience the benefits of movement and healing in a loving and warm environment. 

Welcome to our Little Red Barn!




Connect * Balance * Be Well

Vinyasa Flow,  Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga, Vin-Yin Fusion, Sound Baths, Reiki Healing...

it's all here in the Little Red Barn.


Discover well-being through connection and balance.


*  I respectfully ask that if you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your class or healing session.

Let's keep each other safe *

Vinyasa Flow


"Vinyasa" Yoga is often referred to a "moving meditation", connecting breath and movement in a creative flow. Postures, or Asanas, are strung together with the breath to create balance in the mind and body. "Vinyasa" in Sanskrit, means "to place in a special way". Asanas are connected together in such a way as to create a whole-body workout leaving you stronger, centered, inspired and


Wednesday, 9:00-10;00 a.m.

Friday, 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Vin-Yin Fusion


The Little Red Barn's signature offering!! Vin-Yin Fusion is a 75-minute class combining a fun vigorous, dynamic vinyasa flow followed by a deep, meditative, calming yin practice. 
A true yin-yang experience.

* this class is recommended for those with yoga experience and
 good body awareness *

Thursday, 5:30-6:45 pm

Gentle Yoga


"Gentle Yoga" is just that...a gentle, subtle, relaxing  style of yoga which is perfect for everyone. It is a slower-paced class aimed at getting the body out of stress-mode by calming the nervous system and restoring balance to the body. You won't find any headstands or heart-pumping postures here - just stretching, breathing and all-over goodness!


Tuesday 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 -10:00 a.m


Yin Yoga


"Yin" yoga is also referred to as the "Yoga of Letting Go", or the "Yoga of Release". Postures, or Asanas, are held for a longer duration: from 2 to 10 minutes. Holding the Asanas for such a length of time allows for a very deep tissue stretch. Finding the place where you are able to let go and release will allow you to turn inward, find peace, patience and a sense of calm and release. It is the perfect compliment to an active life!

Sunday, 5:00-6:15 p.m. 

 (except for the last Sunday of the month) 

Wednesday, 5:30-6:45 p.m.

Reiki Healing


Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, is used for stress reduction, relaxation and energy alignment. Chakras (energy centers throughout the body) can become blocked and unbalanced, creating energy that is ill-at-ease. The hands are ideal tools for healing as they are an extension of the heart chakra. With a light laying on of hands on or over the body focusing on the 7 major chakras, energy blockages are shifted allowing the life force energy to flow freely in the body therefore creating a body at ease.
Each Reiki session is approximately one hour and 15 minutes in total.

Available Time Slots

Wednesday 11:00-12:15 

Thursday 12:00-1:15 p.m., 3:00-4:15 p.m.

Friday 11:00 - 12:15, 3:00 - 4:15 p.m.

(If these times don't work for you,  please call or email and we'll figure out a time that works for both of us!)

Sound Baths

A beautiful, meditative and deep healing experience using the sounds created by crystal singing bowls.  This is a healing and relaxing practice where you will  be fully immersed in sound waves to access a deeper sense of consciousness.

Group sessions are held on the last Sunday evening of every month at 5:00pm


Individual Sound Bath sessions available by appointment.



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Your answers

I'm not flexible and I don't know the first thing about yoga. Do I have to know what
I'm doing?

Ok, here's the first thing to know: if you can breathe (which I assume you can since you're reading this), you can practice yoga. Seriously. Breath is the basis of yoga. Connecting our movement to our breath is what yoga is all about!


If you're not flexible now, you will be after you start your practice. I'm not a contortionist and don't expect you to be! Every body is different, every day is different, every class is ok with that and  you're well on your way to becoming more flexible in both mind and body.

You absolutely don't have to know what you're doing...that's MY job! I'll guide you through the postures, will be sure to keep you safe and will offer any adjustments or alternative postures should you need them.

Do I need special equipment? What should I wear?

If you have your own mat, feel free to bring it! If not, don't worry...I have mats, blocks, straps and bolsters here. Bringing a bottle of water is always a good idea.

Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to move, stretch and lie down. Shoes are left outside of the studio and for the most part, yoga is practiced barefoot. If your tootsies are chilly, feel free to wear socks! This isn't a fashion show - comfort is key here! 

Yin. What?!

You've heard of Yin and Yang, right? Where opposite forces are connected, balancing each other and creating a whole? Practices such as Vinyasa are considered "yang", more active. Yin yoga focuses on stillness, letting go, releasing. Stretching ligaments, fascia (the coating around the muscles) and tendons helps to protect the joints. Trust me, I have RA...I know about joints. 


Yin yoga is hugely beneficial, giving the most deep tissue stretch you can get without being on a massage table! Postures are done either sitting or lying down and are held for up to 10 minutes. It may not look like much from the outside, but you'll feel it!! 

Find your edge. Be still. Hold the pose.

Alright, what's the deal with Reiki?

If you've never heard of Reiki, or have never had a Reiki treatment, it may sound downright weird. TRUST's not! It's relaxing, centering, balancing and downright wonderful.


We are all made of energy, and sometimes our energy channels get blocked or stuck (cue disease, stress, imbalance). By moving the energy through the 7 major chakras - the energy centers through our body - the Reiki Master (that's me!) can help to release those pesky blockages, creating a free flowing energy through your body. 

Stress relief. Free flowing energy. Balance. Calm. Reduced anxiety. Inner peace. Well-Being.


And more...

Why do I have to sign up online?

Due to the size of the Little Red Barn, space is limited to 6 students for Vinyasa and 8 for Yin. Signing up online ahead of time will assure your spot in the class (unless you really want to share a mat with someone...).

Signing up is easy! Simply click to reserve your spot.


I realize that things happen, and you may need to cancel. If at all possible, please do so at least 3 hours prior to class start time to avoid a late-cancel fee.

What is the cost?

Yoga classes:

$15 per class (10-pack for $135)

$12 for Yoga Teachers (Teacher 10-pack $100)

Private Yoga Instruction $100 per 75-minute class ($125 for me to travel to you within a 20 mile radius )


Reiki Sessions:

 $110 per 75 minute session 

Sound Bath:

$30 per person / 8 person limit

$110 private session introductory offer through August, 2024

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